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 donations here

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-03-06

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PostSubject: donations here   donations here EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 6:37 am

Please donate to the server in return you will get 5 item of your chosing(none mod+ for a non mod) and we will save up for a VPS. If you dont know what that is it will make the sever 24/7 for more fun and we will also work up for a sponcership from moparscape. It is at least $3 a donation, because a VPS is $5 a month and to get a sponcership i want to be sure that i get it so i need $45. (if you chose money as one it is 999m and only one)

Remember this will benifit you and everyone else if we have any money left over i will use it to pay some one to make a client and help with the server.

if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me at (if you spam me you are going to be ip banned in the server)

paypal donations:
[url= ] [/url]

use the link until i make the donation button.

~[tomatoscapes co-owner/runner puppy]~
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