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 24/7 server

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-03-28

24/7 server Empty
PostSubject: 24/7 server   24/7 server EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 7:42 pm

Couldn't we make the server 24/7 so that I can come on constantly?


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Flippy :

24/7 server Empty
PostSubject: 24/7 server   24/7 server EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 12:08 am

Couldn't we make the server 24/7 so that I can come on constantly

as u know runerocker said this. Well sometimes puppy needs to code and add some stuff so server can be good. He will out it up 24/7 soon maybe but hes the only one who can run server so dont be rushing him santa cherry jocolor afro king farao rendeer


Co-owner Flippy
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Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-03-06

24/7 server Empty
PostSubject: Re: 24/7 server   24/7 server EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 1:29 am

thanks flippy
well i was working on a donation button once i get it working i
will put the donation button on for donations for some items
or as some of you will call it a buying button that is what i will
work on after that the add to cart button and a list of special items
like the glowing dagger, enchanted robes, bow-sword, ect, ect.
once i raise enough money then i will buy a vps so it will be up
24/7 but it may not be for a while.

~[tomatoscape's owner/runner puppy]~
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Flippy :

24/7 server Empty
PostSubject: 24/7 server   24/7 server EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 8:20 am

And when Puppy does put in the donate button most of us will have to donate. I know that tomatoscape is ur favorite geek but you know its pretty hard for puppy since god bird1 cant run the server anymore. So dont rush him and it will take time. dont quit the server because its not up always because sometimes we have difficulties trying to put server on.So relax because soon tomatoscape is going to be the best server!

Your Buddy

Co-owner Flippy albino affraid
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